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格美建材 精雕镂空浮雕板 家庭酒店装饰浮雕板 艺术浮雕板 pu浮雕板

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最后更新: 2018-11-25 12:29
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  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:730
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    r 完美的质量没有捷径,必须将优秀的品质定位给企业的目标;专业完善的服务没有最好,必须将更好的服务定位给企业的承诺。当对自己要求更高并关注所有的细节,格美就会与众不同。如果一个企业单纯追求利润,格美也同样完全可以通过降低质量等方式去达到目的,但格美认为只有完美的品质和完善的服务才是格美值得骄傲。为了承诺、目标,格美绝不会因短期的利益而出卖格美的未来。格美一路走来的努力和坚持已得到越来越多客户的认可和追随,这正是格美继续前进的动力。无以感谢,唯报品质;因为格美实在,所以信赖格美。 More excellent product is Gemei's target,we also promise to provide a better service for you.We sure we must be different to others because Gemei focus on details and pursuit the better quality.Gemei don't want to reduce the quality to pursuit higher profit,we are pride of our excellent produce and srevice,and it also the development direction of our furture.Nowadays,more and more and more customers choose our products,and become long-term cooperative partners.this is the power to push Gemei be stronger and innovation.Thanks for all,trust Gemei,we will give you the more excellent product and service. r


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    r       格美装饰材料有限公司于2011年投资建厂于中国广东省东莞市。经过几年的开拓与发展,公司完全集拥精英雕刻师团队、室内美术设计团队、精准制模团队、高品质服务团队于一体的专业PU装饰美材大型生产厂家。公司座拥完善高科技化生产设备、稳健熟练的生产技术队伍,人性化的管理体系及8800平方米的大型生产厂房,采用特种进口聚氨脂合成材料生产室内装饰美材:动态雕花角线板、动态雕花平线板;立体菱角素面角线板、立体菱角素面平线板;浮雕灯座、精雕梁托、精品罗马柱等一系列高质地产品。 r


    r       格美美材为期许提升业界之水准,建立业界中典范,谋求公司发展及回饴社会,提振客户之互动及社会责任而不懈努力。格美,一路走来、始终如一地本着:“严格品质、精致美材、精益求精、创新求变”的坚定管理理念;用“以诚为本、品质得众、利益共享、共同发展”作为企业之永续经营信念;以“品质铸就品牌、责任推动品牌、诚信传播品牌”为企业宗旨,不断发展和继续完善企业;坚持“自主发展、发展创新、竞中求质、脚踏实地”的企业之长期发展策略奉献社会。期待与社会各界共同提升室内设计之品质与居家的人性化。r


    r       欢迎来厂参观、洽谈,共同开拓国内外PU装饰美材的广阔市场!r


    r Gemei Decoration Material Company Ltd. was founded in 2011. A production plant was established in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China. After several years of exploitation and development, Gemei has now become a large and professional PU decoration material manufacturer. It consists of elite sculptor team, interior design team, molding team, and high-quality service team. The company possesses impeccable high-technology production equipment, sound and skilful production technology team, quality management system and a production plant that spanning 8,800 square meter. It uses distinctive imported polyurethane material to produce indoor decoration material: dynamic carved angle-line boards, dynamic carved flat-line boards, 3-D rhombus plain angle-line boards, 3-D rhombus plain flat-line boards, embossed lamp holders, finely carved corbels, delicate Roman columns, and series of high-quality products.r


    r Gemei Decoration Material is dedicated to upgrade the industrial standard, establish a model in the industry, contrive to expand and contribute the society, boost customers’ interaction and social responsibilities. All along, Gemei has been persistent in the management concept of “strict requirement on quality, exquisite material, vigor for excellence, innovative and inventive”. The core values of the enterprise is “integrity, quality, profit-sharing, and mutual development”. With the mission “quality builds brand, responsibility promotes brand, integrity spreads brand”, the company continues to develop and strive for excellence. The long term development strategy of the enterprise to contribute the society is “spontaneous development, innovation, quality notwithstanding competition, and down-to-earth”. We look forward to working with the community to upgrade the quality of interior design and functional homes.r


    r Welcome to visit our factory, negotiate, and jointly develop the broad market of PU decoration material at home and abroad!r


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